There are different styles of kayaking depending on the challenge level you prefer and the type of water body, like; whitewater kayaking in streams or rivers with faster water current, sea kayaking in seas or coastal area, kayaking in lakes or calm water, surf kayaking which is a great adventure sport for those who would enjoy the thrill of wave-surfing on kayaks. This requires specially designed surf kayaks .
For those who take a back bench when it comes to water sports, can also go canoeing. Canoes are safer since they larger and thus there is no/negligible risk of tipping over. Although, it would be difficult to canoe against stronger water currents as they are heavier than kayaks. Canoes are generally meant for 2 or more people.
You can also do a variety of other things on the canoe like camp, have a romantic brunch, etc. I went canoeing around Theodore Roosevelt Island in Washington D.C. and then went along the monuments in D.C. It is a great sight-seeing water trail and you can also park your canoe near Roosevelt Island and enjoy a nice meal or walk along a small trail. Please feel free to post about your canoeing/kayaking experience in the comments section.
Hey!! I know....Canoeing and Kayaking is really a worthy experience!! Even, I did it in the Washington DC, near Georgetown during Summer time. It is a perfect activity for Summer :) I loved the panoramic view of the tall buildings in DC on one side and the monuments on the other. Plus, it was sunset time so it looked even more stunning. I would also recommend the Washington DC Cruises which start from Georgetown Watefront close to 31st K Street. Would like to see one of your post on that too. :)
Interesting suggestion, I'll have to try that out once!
Definitely want to head out for a kayaking trip this summer. Last night I had a dream, I was kayaking on a touring kayak!!
Well..Intrsting.I have been thinking maryland is a boring state to live,as I have recently moved to germantown.But you seem to be having a great time in here.I donn how i reached your blog,But would you mind letting me know some goood places around ??
@Pradeep-- There are a lot of State Parks around. Fall is just around the corner and a drive along Skyline Drive or Blue ridge parkway will be something you'll enjoy. If you wish to go to some place closer; Harper's Ferry is also a beautiful place to check out. There are a lot of interesting activities around MD (biking, kayaking, hiking, etc.) Let me know if you are looking for anything specific. I'd like to write another post if possible.
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