Paint Ball, I didn't know what this could possibly mean until the time I heard from some pals who went for a PaintBall Game in MD,US.
Paint Ball is a sport where you form two teams and the team members are given guns and paintball markers. Yes, they shoot each other with a gun and No, it doesn't have bullets, it has liquid-filled, gelatin paintball shot from a gas-powered Paintball marker.
Paintball can take various forms, the most popular are woodsball, which is played in natural setting, scenarios, speedball and it is played in indoor settings also. A game of paintball usually involves two opposing teams seeking to eliminate all of the other team's players or to complete some other objective, such as retrieving a flag or eliminating a specific player. All players should wear a protective mask all through the game.
Paintball definitely hasn't become a mainstream sport. Paintball is a social sport and much of the enjoyment comes from the time between games, swapping stories or simply enjoying the company of your buddies.
If you intend to sit at home and play paintball on your computer then here are some free online games.
So if you feel like paintballing, check the Paintball fields closest to you.
Game time!!
I wanna go for a Paintball game!!!!!
Anyone joining?
Sounds like fun....where is it played in MD?
Thanks for pointing it out. I forgot to add a link to Paintball field search.
The closest fields for us are located in Laurel, Bowie, Frederick, Leesburg.
Hey i had read abt this in some site. And also seen it on television about this game. I wish this game was played in India. Btw i guess its already being started in Banglore,India.
Hey check there is a place in Pune also
I think this place is in Mumbai
I haven't been to any paintball game yet :(
So I finally played paintball and it was indeed a hell lotta fun. We played in 4 different fields. One was was more open with "forts" and barrels to hide in. The other three were in the woods. One of the fields had a "World War II" theme.
We played at this field close to Frederick MD http://www.paintball-sportsland.com/ and it was fun since we had our own private party.
You can post your paintball experiences if you like!!
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