I get an adrenaline high after a long run or even after a fast short run. I started training for a marathon this summer ('09). Most of my long runs were on Saturdays and I was almost, always rewarded by good weather.
After going through all the pain and 6 months of training, I finally made it to the finish line. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. There are a lot of beautiful trails which I visited during my weekend runs. Most of them are around DC/MD. Capital Crescent Trail, Mt. Vernon trail, C&O Canal, run around Great Seneca Park, run around Washington DC monuments, Rock Creek trail are a few to name. I also enjoyed my weekday runs and bike rides around my neighborhood in Germantown, MD; along Great Seneca Highway, soccer plex, River Rd. down to Swain's lock on Potomac river, etc.
Running is a great way to explore a new place. I especially enjoyed my run in Statesville, NC where I made a short business trip. I enjoyed my run through the small town and shops. Also enjoyed my run around Atlantic City.
From my personal experience, I have to tell you this; the amount of excitement just before I reached the start line of the Marine Corps Marathon is unmatched by anything I've been through thus far.
So it's that easy; just put on your running shoes, mark a trail on google pedometer, plug-in your ipod and get on the road and explore!